A Cheer for East Africa’s investment strategy
A new Highway A Review of a number of reports published here gives a cause to cheer East Africa’s investment strategy. The region has focused heavily on developing transport and energy infrastructure to create an enabling environment for future economic growth. By 2018, billions of US dollars had been sunk into infrastructure - Roads, Railways, Airports, Seaports, and electricity generation. Consequently, the stock of roads has increased to hundreds of thousands of Kilometers from tens of thousands in the 1990s; paved roads have risen from a few thousands to tens of thousands of Kilometers. We are seeing expressways, elevated roads, and interchanges. Power generation capacity has expanded as has the sources and for the first time, some countries are self-sufficient in green power capacity. Power is being generated from wind, Solar, and Geothermal sources in addition to the traditional Hydro sources. As the stock of enabling infrastructure is increasing, East Afric...