Roads upgrade open up Tanzania

Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete TANZANIA IS GEARING to open up and also link itself with the world for business. A string of road projects prove this point. By the end of February reported Africa development bank, , the country boasted of 15 road upgrade projects totalling 1371kilometers. The projects said the bank, are at various stages of completion. A majority are more than 50 per cent complete. This underscores the seriousness with which Tanzania is taking road construction. Just ten years ago, the country could hardly count four kilometres of tarmac road per 1000 km 2 . That number has now risen to 6.7 km per 1000km 2 and is slated to reach 8.9 km by 2016. This will ease economic activity both within the country and across its borders. The projects are jointly funded by the government and donors. The largest financiers are the African development bank and JICA who, in the financial year 2010/11 contributed ...