Kenya confounds critics, raises $2 bn Eurobond

Work on Nairobi -Naivasha section of SGR Kenya last week shook off negative news about its economy to raise US$2 billion in the second issue of a Eurobond in four years. The initial bond issued in 2014, was also met with bad news following an attack by “Al-shabaab” in Mpeketoni, Lamu, where 100 people were killed. The attack was seen in some quarters as an attempt to sabotage the issue, coming the day the issue opened. The Market shrugged off the bad news bidding $8 billion. This time around, the country shook off a downgrade of the bond by Moody’s and the withdrawal of a standby facility by IMF. The recent issue was oversubscribed seven times, with bids totaling US$14 billion. There is also a feeling that the bad news was also designed to sabotage this issue. The success of the second issue has critics scrambling for metaphors. if they had the sabotage of the second issue on the bad news, then they must be a disappointed lot. And now, the...