South Sudan: Cry the beloved country
THREE YEARS AGO, South Sudan, then the world's youngest country, was born. It was a nation full of hope and whose prospects were bright. It had functioning oil fields which pumped 375,000 barrels per day, she also enjoyed the good will of the world. Everything was going for her. Investors trooped into the country seeking for opportunities. Soon, South Sudan was receiving proposals for such mega project as the US$3 billion Juba-Lamu oil pipeline. All those prospects evaporated In December last year when a civil war broke out. The civil war pitted the government of President Salva Kiir against Rebels led by Riek Machar, his former vice president. Oil wells have been damaged while the meagre revenue from the little oil available is being squandered on war. A nation that sits on Sub-Saharan Africa's third biggest reserves of crude is now a beggar nation staring at a potential famine. Oil Output has declined to 165,000 bpd from 375,000 bpd before the war broke. With ...