Africa: the next big investment story
Welcome to Africa, the Dark Continent with a bright future. Just a short decade ago, Africa was the “hopeless continent.” However, it has turned the corner and is now “the hopeful continent.” And given the state of things, such bold statements about the continent are likely to become common place. It is the next big investment story. Some analaysts call it the " final frontier." What has happened? How did Africa turn its fortunes so fast? Four things happened. No. five namely: Africa’s isolation; the rise in commodity prices; good house keeping; Economic growth and the entry of China as an investor in the continent. And finally, frequent economic meltdowns in the North. Africa has a low correlation with the global economy. Consequently, the continent is not significantly affected by economic crises in the north. In the last decade or so Africa has shrugged off three global economic meltdowns that devastated the rest of the world. In 1997, Africa sh...